Proposal Title





Summary of Proposal [max 300 words]:


The divide between rich and poor is growing. With accelarating pace.


In Germany, we can well imagine a movement of „Scherenschließer“, which means „gapshrinkers“, within DiEM25, similar to the movement for the GNDE, which spreads to other political activists and groups.


The goal of this is the idea to call to mind the necessity of the reversion of the ongoing trend of the economic polarization between rich and poor and that this necessity has to be a measuring device for the intentions of political actions, and that the manifest of DiEM25 intends so as well.


It is our opinion, that DiEM25 should go forward in this direction and that we should be influencing other political actors with campaigns like workshops, broad information etc. that include to point out coherences to the causes of the climate change and the global social unfairnesses, and implements a smooth transition to the GNDE, as well as achieving a haircut of all the so-called indebted nations in our absurd economic system worldwide.




How will this proposal help DiEM25 achieve its goals? [max 200 words]:


By implementing this strategy we win another characteristic for the public image of our movement. At the same time we assure that the focus of our actions is aligned with this high aspiration, thereby serving social justice, stimulating environmental justice and possibly leading to the realization of this goal for the benefit of humankind.




How will your proposal be implemented (timeline and steps)? [max 200 words]:


Targets in three steps are


1st to create and strengthen awareness for the necessity of a gapshrinking movement within DiEM25 and in public. Timetable: immediately


2nd to stop the drifting apart of wealth, income and living standards and to implement these principles in the new European Constitution. Timetable: until 2025


3rd to reverse the current trajectory. Timetable: this is a continous political effort, which has to be watched closely at any time.




You will know your proposal has succeeded when: [max 100 words]:


We have reached our goal when we have reversed the tendency, when the gap starts to close again and when we have ensured that it will stay that way.

Next Meeting;

Monday, November 11th

Fischerfeldstrasse 16 | Frankfurt/M | Germany


This event is free of charge